September 20, 2024

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Name: Ida Schwartz

Title: Senior Director of Luxury Sales

Experience: 21 years

Location: Miami, Florida

Brokerage name: Compass Florida

Team size: 4

Career sales volume: $100 million+ (2022), $500 million+ (Career)

How did you get your start in real estate?

I  had a very successful career in banking. I made the decision to take time off to be a stay-at-home mom and spend time with my family. One day my daughter came home from school and asked me “Mom, what do you do all day when we are in school?” and that’s when I realized I needed to start a new career. With my expertise in finance and sales, I knew real estate would be a great opportunity for me.

How did you choose your brokerage?

My next-door neighbors’ house went up for sale and I walked over during an open house and introduced myself to the broker. After chatting with her for a while I realized we had a lot in common. I saw how hard-working and successful she was and it reminded me of myself. I asked to join her brokerage and the rest is history. That was 21 years ago and I absolutely love what I do.

What’s your top tip for freshly licensed brokers?

Be attentive but not pushy. Build your network and utilize it to your advantage. Answer your phone and respond to texts in real time, and master the art of the follow-up.

Name 3 people you admire?

Anne Frank for her perseverance, my mom for her resilience and my husband for his compassion.

What makes a good leader?

To be a good leader you need to be a good listener. Let the light shine on your employees and coworkers. You need to create a culture where everyone has the same goals to be the best they can be. A big ego will break you in this business.

What’s one thing you wish every agent knew?

A great real estate professional is authentic and adaptable. It’s important to stay current and know your market like the back of your hand while understanding that change in this industry is inevitable. There is always going to be something new to learn. Be open to change. You don’t know it all!

Know someone who should be featured in an upcoming Broker Spotlight? Nominations, please, to

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